Sunday, May 31, 2009

X-Men Origins - Wolverine

This was the first game I tried that actually supports the logitech rumblepad 2, great work Activision.

The game itself is quite good. I've completed a few levels, but I'm quite happy with it. This is definatly worth completing. Did not have any problems with it so far, and the game flows nicely on my RADEON HD 4670.


  1. It works for me, but it actually makes the character go slow in certain sections.

    It's not that noticeable early in the game, but in later levels that require timed jumping, it's impossible with the Logitech.

    You can see for yourself by running with the keyboard, then with the controller.

    The speed difference is immediately apparent.

  2. Hi, I just got this game, but the d-pad seems to be backwards. For example, if I move it down, the character moves foward instead of backwards. This results in me not playing very well. Is this normal or what can I do to change this?
