Sunday, September 6, 2009

Section 8

Another great title being released this week, I hope it will work just as smooth as batman did with the xbox 360 emulation. I do hope this title wont disapoint when I get to check it out later today, I'll inform you on how if possible to use your rumblepad2.

But after a weekend of batman, I'm sure many games will look pale.

Put the following files under the installed directory as follows :

Program Files\SouthPeak Games\Section 8\Binaries


for this game, don't forget to include :


I'll give this game a few hours to see how well it perform story wise. I was expecting more, it's not a top game, and I'll recycle it asap. I'm more looking forward to resident evil 5. This game is not worth spending time on. It's actually quite short (Story part), and the multiplayer stuff does not attract me. It's not to bad, but it's not worth getting into again after completing the story once.

Released : September 06.

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